Along the same time, God allowed us to plant a multi-ethnic church in Mobile.
As we plan/pray/think about the future of our family, our hearts have been turning again toward adoption. There are so many questions. When will this happen? Will we adopt an international child (we would probably prefer this) or domestic? Only God knows the answers to these questions. Another looming question is how will we prepare to finance an adoption (20-30 thousand if international)?
As we sought to answer this question, an idea was born. For quite some time we have enjoyed furnishing our home with pieces we have salvaged from thrift stores, trash piles, or junk yards. We have even sold a few to friends or at local consignment stores.
So as we thought of creative ways to contribute to our "adoption fund" an opportunity presented itself. This week we started Reborn Interiors.
In addition to his full time work at All Nations Community Church, Chris will be selling his painted/distressed furniture at Antiques at the Loop. We moved in today! Surprisingly, they put us front and center- first booth on the right. This is one of the best spaces in the whole store because it is by the register and has prime window space!
Some of you may know that Julie's dad and step mom, Jerry and Pam Mitchell, own a Folk Art Company in Milton, FL. They make hand painted signs on reclaimed barn tin. They have been in business for over 20 years and wholesale to thousands of shops all over the US.
In addition to selling painted furniture we will be carrying an amazing line of Blackwater Folk Art.
You have GOT to see this stuff! We have seasonal items (Fall stuff is in now) as well as great unique gifts at affordable prices (my only commercial, I promise). We love the idea of buying from our family and supporting their business too.
We appreciate your prayers as we set out on this new adventure! And when you get a chance, come shop our booth at Antiques at the Loop.
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