Friday, February 12, 2010

Random Finds

Once a month a local antique store in my hometown has a warehouse estate sale. This month I was finally able to carve out some time to go. They had bought out several estates (one in West Palm Beach) which just sounded cool.

I'm pretty sure that's where this came from. It was made of steel and had 8 square compartments.

I first noticed it as another opponent shopper was checking it out. So I did what any shopper would do and acted uninterested- that is, until the woman put it down. Then I moved in for the kill.

I'm not exactly sure what its original purpose was but I can only guess it was used to carry milk bottles (when they used to be glass). It was $20 and I knew exactly what its new use would be.

So I found these for .50 a piece.

I filled them with stuff like this.

And this was the result. Another great way to recycle and reuse! Now all those paperclips, rubber bands and other office supplies are at only an arm's reach when I'm at my desk.

1 comment:

  1. There needs to be a LIKE button under blog posts. -JK
