Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturdays Around The House

Well, Spring is upon us. And if you live in the Southernmost part of AL, SUMMER is here. Today was one of those Saturdays that seemed to last forever, and that's a good thing. This morning I was in my workshop putting the finishing touches on some of the crosses I made Friday evening. Julie was inside playing around with some photography. We re-did Carter's room a few months back when he moved into his "big-boy bed". She was shooting some pics for the post she will be doing soon.

Here's a teaser for now... (more to come)

He's so proud of his room. He politely asks forces everyone who comes to our house to come see it.

Julie also helped me stage a couple photos of some new merchandise for the store.

I loved this old table the first time I saw it, but it's been in the workshop for months because I couldn't decide what color to paint it. This weekend I settled on "go bold or go home".  It's the perfect shade of awesome, don't you think?  It went in the store today.
This is one of the crosses I made this weekend. It's now for sale at Antiques at the Loop in Midtown.

 This is on our front door. We have some more of these at Antiques at the Loop if you're interested. Made in USA on reclaimed materials.

The Back Door... Made by Blackwater Folk Art (Julie's dad and stepmom) in Milton, FL. These are made on recycled barn tin and handpainted.
These blue owls are sold individually and can go almost anywhere. We hung these on a utility door near our back porch.

Friday, March 23, 2012

French 20's China Cabinet

Last week I got a call from a customer who wanted a piece of furniture painted. She had a 1920's china cabinet with a dull finish and wanted it transformed into a painted French piece with ornate detail. When I picked the piece up, it looked like this...

I really liked the detail work at the top and on the side panels. I decided to paint the piece my own mixture of mostly off-white, with a touch of gray. Then I added a mixture of brown and gold metallic to the edges and some of the trim. Finally, I dark waxed the piece and buffed it out with a soft cloth. The customer was very happy with the finished product.

Now this beauty sits proudly in her home on Dog River.

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